Supporting not-for-profit organisations in the fight against Covid-19 – Week 1

07 May 2020

Supporting not-for-profit organisations in the fight against Covid-19 – Week 1

On the 21st of April, following the note from VINCI announcing an extraordinary €10m of funds made available to help not-for-profit organisations in the fight against COVID-19, we were extremely pleased to announce that €400k of these funds had been allocated to the VINCI UK Foundation.

Less than a week after opening the applications process, the VINCI UK Foundation was overwhelmed with responses and received over 170 submissions, totalling a request of more than £1.7M in funding.

The VINCI UK Foundation’s team is now processing each application and will proceed to allocate grants to numerous organisations each week. We are very pleased to announce the first lot of incredible not-for-profit organisations who have been successful in their applications and who will be receiving funds in the next few days.

We would like to say a big thank you to these organisations who are helping the most vulnerable during these unprecedented times.

Week 1 – Sponsored Not-for-profit organisations by categories:

Assisting doctors/nurses/hospital staff:

Assisting schools and students:

Wider healthcare/social care in the community:
