Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for funding, your project needs to meet all the VINCI UK Foundation criteria.
Ineligible application will not be considered.

1- Four areas of action
The VINCI UK Foundation funds projects which aim to tackle the issues in the following four areas of action through an innovative approach and which will make a positive, measurable impact on the local area :
Access to employment
Projects which support those currently excluded from the job market helping people to adapt to the world of work, while also receiving the training and support they need. Projects that offer basic training and guidance to enable individuals with no qualifications to enter the world of work.
Insertion through housing
Projects that enable access to housing for the most underprivileged individuals to provide them with more security and stability.
Inclusive mobility
Providing people with easier admission to secure employment, health care and education by improving the mobility of those deprived of means of transportation, and reduce the factors restricting their mobility.
Building better communities
Projects that aim to strengthen social links and fight social isolation of inhabitants of underprivileged neighbourhoods. Initiatives aimed at conveying citizenship values or educational training to young people
2- Eligible structure
The VINCI UK Foundation supports small and medium size registered community interest or non-profit organisations that are registered with either Companies House, Charity Commission or both *, with no political or religious orientation (for instance: youth clubs, neighbourhood charities, social enterprises, community centres, etc.).
The VINCI UK Foundation will not consider applications from individuals, profit-based organisations, statutory bodies, federations, public organisations, institutions and political or religious organisations/groups.
Only one application allowed per no-for-profit organisation.
Your organisation must have been established for 12 months or more.
* NB: if the Foundation is over-subscribed, applications from smaller charities will be looked upon more favourably
3- Involvement of VINCI employees
The involvement of VINCI employees is one of the Group’s core values: We only accept projects in which a VINCI employees is actively involved. A sponsor can only be entered by one organisation per year.
The VINCI sponsors could be involved in various ways: helping the organisation in its day-to-day life, giving practical advice to complete work on a project or bringing management skills and expertise.
4- Locality
The VINCI UK Foundation supports projects in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, located near the offices of VINCI companies in order to ensure efficiency of the sponsorship. This proximity criterion is essential to choosing an appropriate sponsor for the project.
5- Duration
The VINCI UK Foundation only supports projects having a long-lasting impact on the targeted communities. One-off events won’t be supported, even if they are socially oriented.
6 – Funding
Only tangible goods (e.g. tools and equipment, vehicles, IT, furniture, building works) can be funded by the VINCI UK Foundation.
Applications requesting money for wages or running-costs will not be successful when applying. Funding is granted between £3,000 and £10,000.
The purchasing of tangible goods should be part of a project (development of new/current activities, refurbishment of premises, improvement of marketing tools…) whose total cost does not exceed £100,000.
7 – Beneficiaries
The project submitted to the VINCI UK Foundation should benefit a wide range of local community groups. The more beneficiaries, the more chance of being successful.
8 – Application
Successful organisations must wait at least three years before submitting an other application..